VTS Offers Fiscally Friendly Packages to Local Governments This Upcoming Winter Season

Press Release from Vehicle Tracking Solutions

Vehicle Tracking Solutions (VTS) has taken the initiative to help local governments implement SP Storm Management Accessory Monitoring for the upcoming winter season by offering fiscally friendly seasonality packages.

Our Silent Passenger® Accessory Monitoring gives you more than just staff visibility into snow plowing and salting behaviors, in addition to the numerous efficiency returns, it delivers a new level of community service, visibility, and safety.

  • Residents can be made aware of what segments of the road have been attended to during inclement weather conditions.
  • Vital weather-related requests are manageable by reducing the volume of incoming constituent’s calls.

“Our Silent Passenger platform for governments is far more than dots on a map or static data points, it was designed for fleet operators that demand more from their fleet management solution provider. Utilizing our Accessory Monitoring package and sophisticated software-driven insights, we deliver real-time visibility into road conditions and fleet performance said,” Ryan Wilkinson, Chief Technology Officer at Vehicle Tracking Solutions. Additionally, our reporting algorithms and fleet data dashboards empower our government users to better understand how to deliver improved services to their taxpayers during these vital times of the year. Our clients share it is a true win-win situation.”

VTS has chosen to provide local governments with this special package as a discounted seasonal option.

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